The GCG & Risk Management Monitoring Committee has a Committee Charter which was prepared and established by the Board of Commissioners based on the Board of Commissioners Decree No. KEP-007/KOM-KF/VIII/2018 dated August 6, 2018. This Charter has been established by the Board of Commissioners and is periodically evaluated and, if necessary, amended to ensure the Company’s compliance with OJK and other relevant regulations.
Chairman : Wiku Adisasmito
Commitee Member :
Fachmi Idris
Hafied Nur Siddiq
The Company’s Audit Committee has an Audit Committee Charter, which was prepared and established by the Board of Commissioners based on the Board of Commissioners Decree No. KEP-008/KOM-KF/VII/2018 dated August 6, 2018. This charter regulates the legal basis, authority, duties, responsibilities, organizational structure of the committee and procedures for conducting meetings. The Audit Committee Charter is established by the Board of Commissioners and evaluated periodically and, if necessary, amended to ensure the Company’s compliance with OJK and other relevant regulations.
Chairman : Musthofa Fauzi
Commitee Member :
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Company has a Nomination and Remuneration Committee Charter, which was prepared and stipulated in the Board of Commissioners Decree No. KEP-003/KOMKF/IV/2020 dated April 20, 2020. The Charter outlines the legal basis, authority, tasks, responsibilities, organizational committee structure, and meeting procedures. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee Charter is established by the Board of Commissioners, evaluated periodically, and amended if necessary to ensure the Company’s compliance with OJK provisions and other relevant regulations.
Chairman : Diah Kusumawardani
Commitee Member :
Diah Kusumawardani
Hendra Farma Johar
Integrated Governance Committee
SOE Ministry Regulation Number 2 of 2023 concerning Guidelines for Governance and Significant Corporate Activities of State-Owned Enterprises is certainly the main reference and the Company has the main responsibility to implement it. The Integrated Governance Committee as one of the new functions is expected to harmonize the management of the organization, especially in the form of conglomeration. With the new regulations and management format will certainly change the entire basic infrastructure of risk management, Kimia Farma has gradually developed a roadmap to make adjustments that have taken place also in 2023, among those previously mentioned is strengthening the organization with the establishment of Strategic Risk Management Division.
Chairman : Fachmi Idris
Commitee Member :
Musthofa Fauzi
Wiku Adisasmito
Rendi Witular
Diah Kusumawardani
I Wayan Subagia
Ignatius Agung Nugroho
Enok Mimin Amaliana
Sdri. Chrisma Aryani Albandjar
Member of the Good Corporate Governance & Risk Management Committee