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Kimia Farma's Enviromental Social Responsibility Program (TJSL) is a program that supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and support the company's core business. The CSR Program was created to find a balance point between improving company performance and community development, where these programs can provide positive ruterns or shared values for the company.
The implementation of Kimia Farma's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program adopts the pattern developed in ISO 26000 regarding Guideline on Social Responsibility (Guidance on Social Responsibility) which is aligned with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which have been ratified by the Government of Indonesia with 169 target.
8 Priority Target for Kimia Farma's Sustainable Development Goals (TPB/SDGs)
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs proclaimed by the United Nations (UN) seek to find solutions to the biggest challenges facing the world. This goal is guide for Kimia Farma in providing and creating strategic innovation in program implementation for the environment, social and economy. So from a total of 17 TPBs, we provide innovations that directly contribute to the 8 Sustainable Development Goals (TPB) as a priority for the company, but do not still support other achievements.
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The legal basis for the TJSL (Social Environmental Responsibility) or CSR program refers to KEP-100/MBU/2002 concerning the Assessment of the Health Level of State-Owned Enterprises, Law-40-2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies, Government Regulation Number 47 of 2012 concerning Responsibility Limited Liability Company Social and Environment, and PER-05/MBU/04/2021 concerning the Social and Environment Responsibility Program of State-Owned Enterprises.
The CSR program is the company's commitment to sustainable development by providing economic, social, environmental, legal and governance benefits. This is in line with the orientation of the SDGs which is divided into four pillars, including:
1. Social Pillar: To achieve the fulfillment of quality basic human rights in a fair and equal manner to improve welfare for the whole community
2. Community Pillar: To achieve quality economic growth through sustainable employment and business opportunities, innovation, inclusive industry, adequate infrastructure, affordable clean energy and supported by partnerships
3. Environmental Pillar: For the sustainable management of natural resources and the environment as a support for all life
4. Pillars of Law and Governance: To achieve legal certainty and effective, transparent, accountable and participatory governance to create security stability and achieve a state based on law
Kimia Farma also strives to always create shared value with stakeholders, by making a company that is able to provide more value for social development and environmental sustainability which is certainly sustainable for the company's business. The Creating Shared Value (CSV) approach is a framework for creating economic value while addressing the social needs and challenges of the community. This is in line with Kimia Farma's commitment to continuously increase the value of benefits of sustainability, namely increasing the best contribution to the country's development. Other commitments are increasing the positive impact on environmental sustainability towards the realization of the Green Industry, increasing the best contribution to society, improving the welfare and safety of employees and improving the best service to customers.
Kimia Farma CSR program refers to 4 main pillars with each superior program:
It is Kimia Farma's commitment to produce the next generation of great people. The are several programs under the Great KAEF pillar, including Great Generation, Kimia Farma Teaching, and the Outstanding Student Appreciation Fund. KAEF Great focuses on SDG point, namely Quality Education, SDG point 5, namely Gender Equality and SDG point 16, namely Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.
Is a program of assistance activities for 6 months regarding the dangers of drugs. violence againts women, and free sex aimed at high school children (SMA) or equivalent to create a Great Generation that is healthy, brave and strong. The Great Generation Program is in line with SDGs point 3 (ensuring a healthy life and promoting prosperity), 5 (Gender Equality) and 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions).
Aims to provide knowledge and insight to students (SD or equivalent) in schools with a reach throughout Indonesia regarding various professions and provide inspiration to achieve their goals. In its implementation, Kimia Farma Group employees are involved as teaching volunteers who convey various professions using various teaching aids to make it easier for students to understand what is being conveyed. Throught the Kimia Farma Teaching program, employees can increase their awareness of the nation's future children.
Is an aid given to children from families of employees/permanent female employees with implementing groups below the supervisor level within the Holding of Pharmaceutical BUMN throughout Indonesia. The provision of assistance in 1 family can be for 2 students. Regional details include North Sumatera, South Sumatera, Jabodetabek and Banten, West Java, Central Java and DIY, East Java, Bali Nusra, Kalimantan, and Sulmapu (Sulawesi, Maluku and Jayapura). The subjects used as consideration for the award of appreciation funds are: Indonesian, Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences, PKN, and English with an average score of 8.5
The main pillar of Kimia Farma's CSR Program which focuses on SDG point 4 regarding quality education. Committed to creating new talents in Kimia Farma who are smart and can contribute to the company
BASECAMP or Project Camp Social Scholarship is a scholarship assistance program for the best students in various majors in the development of the pharmaceutical industry by providing coaching and assistance in competency development and funding in the implementation of social environmental projects. This is one of the efforts to empower the community which is carried out directly by students
Through the Social Project, students are expected to hone their social spirit and help the community in implementing business & technology by increasing the basic knowledge and skills of the surrounding community. This Basecamp program is a program that is included in the Create Share Value (CSV), which creates economic value while addressing the needs and social challenges of the community. In the BASECAMP program, Kimia Farma will provide opportunities for the best scholarship recipients who have been given training and carry out their social projects to be able to join Kimia Farma employees.
The main pillar of Kimia Farma's CSR program which focuses on SDG point 8 on Increasing inclusive and sustainable economic growth, productive and comprehensive employement opportunities, and decent work for all. Demonstrating Kimia Farma's commitment to always present Increasing Sustainability Value for National Development, both direct and indirect economic impacts.
Is a society empowerment program aimed to enhance the society's living standard and economic development based on local potentials through the establishment of a business group. This program was formed for the society to enhance their capabilities through training and enhancement of local natural resources utilization, as well as providing solutions for welfare enhancement through capital grant and assistance. Until 2022, Kimia Farma has 3 fostered villages with different locations and categories. The categories of "Desa Binaan Kimia Farma" are Healthy Village, Tourist Village, and Creative Village.
1. Semen Village in Blitar Regency: Kimia Farma empowered 17 people in Semen Village to create a tourist village environment that is independent in processing essential oil waste that later can be processed as a product of dish soap, handsoap, and liquid body soap. In addition, the essential oil processed by farmers fostered by Kimia Farma are also used by PT Sinkona Indonesia Lestari (Kimia Farma's Subsidiary) as a raw product for Selensia products (essential oil).
2. Katongan Village in Gunung Kidul Regency: Kimia Farma provided training focusing on the creative industry through assistance and business capital to 19 people in Katongan Village. The products produced include vegetable-based processed food including aloe vera stick, celery and mustard green.
3. Gili Gede Indah Village in West Lombok Regency: Kimia Farma provided training and community empowerment in Gili Indah Village to enhance their health quality, through the programs of healthy toilet, stunting elimination through the forming of toddler nutrition post, breastfeeding mothers assistance, breastfeeding mothers class, and others.
Is a program of training and development for Kimia Farma's fostered MSME that is done online aiming to enhance business competitiveness to be more independent. Through this program, Kimia Farma also helps through administration of legality ownership as well as business and product certification for MSME that have not yet obtained business permits.
Is a program to enhance the capability of micro and small enterprises in order to become resilient and independent through loan funds originating from revolving funds. Through this program Kimia Farma helps MSME entrepreneurs that have been Kimia Farma partners to become the next level MSME. Kimia Farma has 7 (seven) criterias for its partners to be better through increasing business capacity, including:
- Increase in the number of employees
- Increase in the amount of loans
- Increase in production capacity
- Increase in earning
- Society engagement to produce product
- Product marketing in cities and abroad
- Obtaining national/international certificates
The main pillar of Kimia Farma's CSR program focusing on SDG point 3 regarding healthy lives and well-being. It shows the commitment of Kimia Farma in generating quality health in Indonesia. With the focus in enhancing the health quality of people as well as saving mothers and toddlers in stunting prevention.
Gives health access to people in remote areas with numerous programs including free health services, healthy region program, nutrition and stunting post, healthy toilet, assistance of patients of noncommunicable diseases, and forming of healthy cadres. Kimia Farma's Klinik Apung has been around since 2019 with 2 ships sailing in West Lombok, NTB, and Kepulauan Seribu, DKI Jakarta. The Klinik Apung in West Lombok covers 7 regions including Teluk Gok, Cemare, Telaga Lupi, Geresak, Gedang Saing, Pegametan, and Labuan Cenik. While the one in Kepulauan Seribu covers 8 islands including Lancang Island, Untung Jawa Island, Tidung Island, Pari Island, Harapan (Kelapa) Island, Pelangi Island, Panggang Island, and Pramuka Island. The achievements of Klinik Apung Kimia Farma program include reducing the number of stunting on toddlers, the monitoring of nutrition of mothers and toddlers in the islands, the creation of an environment free of open defecation, management of patients with Non-Communicable Diseases, creation of a productive green environment.
Is a health program to support stunting prevention or malnourished babies. This program also takes part in succeeding the government's program to enhance the health quality of mothers and babies throughout the country through the enhancement of midwives competence. In the implementation, Kimia Farma provides education and funding to realize inspirational ideas from chosen midwives that passed selection. The outcome that will be achieved is the creation of healthy and strong mothers and babies, hence helping the government in reducing the problems of stunting and the death of mothers and babies. In 2020-2021, Bidan Inspiratif program was held in the stunting location in Tangerang, Banten Regency. The achievements of Bidan Inspiratif program include reducing the pravelence of stunting on children below 5 years old up to 25%, reducing the prevalence of anemia on pregnant mother up to 29,15%, reducing the prevalence of child malnutrition aged 5 years up to 30%, increasing exclusive breast milk on 6 months babies up to 25%, reducing the number of death mothers and babies, reducing pregnant mother with anemia, increasing the range of toddlers immunization, immunization to 319 children, providing Family Planning (KB) services to 1.115 people, providing essential health service to 1.555 local people and assisting 89 pregnancy of local people. The midwife with the best innovation project has an opportunity to win The Most Inspiring Project Award from Kimia Farma. There are 37 inspirative midwives until 2022. The midwives will be given innovation project implementation training for 7 days and comparative study with midwives in Baduy. The midwives' innovation project will be implemented in their own area for 6 months in which its impact will be assessed. In 2022, the project implementation were done in stunting locations in the national level covering Aceh, South Sumatera, Jakarta, Banten, West Java, East Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta, South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, Papua.