Jakarta, December 30th, 2022 - Olah Limbah Atsiri (OLIS) Center program is an initiative Corporate Social Responsibility program of Kimia Farma to optimize waste from essential oil distillation into a product that provides benefit for society and using the Creating Shared Value (CSV) approach.
CSV is a meeting point of Business Opportunities, Corporate Assets and Social Needs that can provide direct impact for the company. In the OLIS Center program, the processing of Patchouli and essential oil production waste can be the supply chain of a company.
Located at Semen Village, Blitar Regency, East Java where it is fostered village of Kimia Farma. Semen Village is also one of the 50 best tourist villages and won the first place of the 2022 Desa Wisata Maju ADWI by the waste can be the supply chain of a company.
The implementation of OLIS Center program provides double benefit for the program's stakeholders which are society (fostered group) and Kimia Farma. For society, the OLIS Center program can increase profit and the life quality of people. For Kimia Farma, it is a form of company's commitment to support environment sustainability and becoming one of the company's supply chains.
The essential oil from farmers is processed into a raw material product of Selensia which is a product of Kimia Farma's subsidiary (PT Sinkona Indonesia Lestari). On the other hand, the essential oil waste is processed into commodities which have economic value, including Hand Soap, Liquid Body Soap, and Dish Soap. These products are formulated from basic ingredients of patchouli essential oil hydrosol that can maintain skin moisture with fresh scent.
Watch the video on the official Youtube channel of OLIS Center by Kimia Farma on https://youtube.com/watch?v=IlbBZLGbooc&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE and https://youtube.com/watch?v=zu5VCmOYLng&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE