Jakarta, November 24th, 2022 - Kimia Farma through the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME)/Industry Partnership Forum Small and Medium Enterprises (IKM) with SOEs and Large Enterprises establish partnerships with the Ministry of Finance Cooperatives and SMEs that aim to encourage the development of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) to upgrade from the scale of business and production through the partnership program between MSMEs and SOEs and large businesses, in order to be able to penetrate the global supply chain.

Located at the Smesco Building, South Jakarta, this event was attended by the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs, Teten Masduki. A total of 17 State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) as well as large companies participate in this SME/IKM Partnership Forum. Kimia Farma also includes 4 MSME partners The mentors include Araya Healthy, Famila Herbal, CV Tri Utami Jaya, and CV Fragrande Kreasi Alami. Nearly 100 MSMEs are enthusiastic to carry out consultations with Kimia Farma so that enter the Kimia Farma supply chain.

"Currently, the development of a marketing partnership for MSME products with Kimia Farma has been completed facilitated to reach 40 MSMEs and the majority come from the health sector, especially herbs and spas." said Director of Production and Supply Chain of PT Kimia Farma Tbk, Andi Prazos at Gedung Smesco, Thursday (24/11).

Furthermore, Andi Prazos also said that this partnership is a form of synergy between SMEs with Kimia Farma so that SMEs can grow expand their market.